About Me

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I'm celebrating my Weight Loss! I had RNY in October and have lost 64 lbs since! Each day is a learning process and a new discovery. I finally am able to look in the mirror and like seeing the woman who looks back at me. I love to cook and entertain. I enjoy all types of events and look forward to becoming a more active participant instead of a spectator!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

2nd Appointment

Yesterday I went to see the nutrionist as the surgeon's office. I lost 3 lbs last month. Normally this would have been a great thing. However, I am borderline about being able to get the surgery done. You must be at least 100 lbs over weight. I am. I also have a few factors that help in the determination of the surgery by doctors as well as the insurance company. I have diabetes and sleep apnea.

My nutrionist didn't come right out and say it, but I felt like she hinted that I need to put the weight back on (maybe call it a scale error? bloating? other health issues?).

I'm now worried that I'll go through all of the processes that lead up to approval only to be declined. Then what? Gain another 20 lbs so I can get approval? BLECH! I can't do that. I won't purposely do that. I want this surgery so that my health problems will clear up some, not to contribute to poor health or create more.

This may sound yucky, but I am looking forward to the "dumping syndrome" of not being able to eat sugar after the surgery. I certainly don't want to go through the dumping syndrome I've been reading about, but I know it's inevitable at least once or twice. I am a sugar junkie. Cakes, cookies, ice cream, pb&j when none of the former items are around. The Dumping Syndrome makes sugar "expel" from your body... violently. Who wants to go through that more than once or twice? Afterall, it doesn't take a brick shithouse to fall on me... or does it? ROFL!

I've found a few books that I really want to read.
Weight Loss Surgery: A Lighter Look at a Heavy Subject by Terry Simpson, M.D. seems to be the most important one to me right now. I looked at it on Amazon.com

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