About Me

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I'm celebrating my Weight Loss! I had RNY in October and have lost 64 lbs since! Each day is a learning process and a new discovery. I finally am able to look in the mirror and like seeing the woman who looks back at me. I love to cook and entertain. I enjoy all types of events and look forward to becoming a more active participant instead of a spectator!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Am Successful!

Yesterday I decided to try something good for me. I decided to NOT have any sugary sweets/treats/desserts at all. I even passed up the huge sugary birthday cake at work!!!! Now that alone is amazing since it's my favorite!

I told Pete when he picked me up from work that today (yesterday) was the first day of me quitting smoking sugar. He looked at me before he "got it". 5 Years ago, I quit smoking cigarettes and since then I have become addicted to sugar... so now, I opt to quit sugar!

We grabbed dinner last night and I took my cup; filled it with ice and filled it with Rootbeer before realizing what I was doing and that it was loaded with sugar. Pete took the Rootbeer for me so I could have the unsweetened iced tea. Rootbeer is also his beverage of choice, thank goodness!

I am on Day 2 of no sugar!!! Go Me! I'd like to lose about 10 lbs before surgery, now that I'm approved and don't have to worry about not weighing enough.

One fear I have, which I guess is silly is that I'll be alone at the hospital most of the time. I don't do well alone at all. I'm sure the first day I'll be asleep most of the time and Pete will be there with me all day Tuesday but he'll be working Wednesday & Thursday while I'm there.

He's actually leaving to go to OC for the weekend to work. Where is the justice in that??

1 comment:

morbidly obtuse said...

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog! They're all very much appreciated! I'm glad to see you'd found eggfaces blog, I recommend her to everyone! Congrats on your surgery date! That's just around the corner! I look forward to watching your progress, or like susy says...watching you melt! Good luck on the 7th!