About Me

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I'm celebrating my Weight Loss! I had RNY in October and have lost 64 lbs since! Each day is a learning process and a new discovery. I finally am able to look in the mirror and like seeing the woman who looks back at me. I love to cook and entertain. I enjoy all types of events and look forward to becoming a more active participant instead of a spectator!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Date

My date: October 7th. GBMC

After changing surgeons and finding a new psych... I'm good to go! This psych said she couldn't find anything wrong with me. Go figure. From one extreme to the other.

I'm much more comfortable with this surgeon; knowing someone who had surgery from him helps tremendously. I also really liked the informational powerpoint first meeting.Once I saw the new psych, paid the fee to the Dr. and it was submitted to the insurance company, I waited anxiously for an approval.

I received a letter in the mail that said they were awaiting other information and listed what was missing. I called the Surgeon's office and they resubmitted the paperwork and I was approved immediately!

I'm psyched!!!

Because of all of this, I've had a lot on my mind for the couple of months. Some days it's been hard to be pleasant. I want to reach out for support from friends and family but it's been too difficult. I feel as though no one understands what I'm going through, and really doesn't care since it was my decision.

It is definitely one the hardest decisions I have made. The prep work was the easy part, since I like staying busy.

So why did I make this decision?

1. A flight of steps kills me. My legs hurt and I'm out of breath.
2. My asthma isn't getting any better even with the medication I'm on
3. My feet swell up and look like balloons by the end of my work day. I cannot wear socks or shoes that cover my feet. If I slip off my sandals/slides at work I cannot get them back on in the evening.
4. I have sleep apnea, not severely, but I'm hoping that I will stop snoring since I haven't always done it.
5. I have Type II Diabetes that is untreated due to my decision of not treating it. I should be controlling it by diet but I'm just not.
6. I can't exercise, because I can't breath (See 2.)
7. I want to feel normal, sexy, pretty. I remember when I did.
8. I gave up wearing sunglasses, because of the indents it puts on my face that stays up to 2 hours.

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